Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional
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Spatiotemporal analysis of land cover and vegetation stress in the Iberian P. in light of a half a century

DinaCliVe project aims at analyzing land cover and land use dynamics as well as vegetation stress, with a particular emphasis on droughts, and the role that climate variation may have had in such phenomena. 

Considering as a starting point the previous studies of the Digital Climatic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula, the project will re-calculate and improve such atlas but enhancing it with new methodologies, more stations and a longer time series and as a special venue, it will introduce remote sensing in climate models via medium-resolution Landsat series starting 1975, although information of meteorological stations from 1950 will also be used. Minimum detailed resolution level will be set to 200m.

Taking advantage the notorious quantity of available Landsat imagery, five-year periods of land use and land cover databases will be realized for the entire Iberian Peninsula. In addition, yearly vegetation stress indexes and phenology derived measurements will be computed in training areas, enabling the observation of natural vegetation and agriculture responses to climatic changes. For both climatic and land cover databases a future projection to 2025 will be performed, owing for half of a century period coverage. 

Such an amount of new data will be used to study, in the Iberian Peninsula framework, the spatial direction, velocity and acceleration of the tendencies in climatic changes, land cover and tree line dynamics. A global analysis using all data sets will try to discriminate the climatic signal on such phenomena when interpreted together with anthropogenic driving forces.

Deeper knowledge of data accuracy is particularly relevant in the light of the enormous amount of generated cartography. In this direction, DinaCliVe will develope multiple model implementations to study the spatial error representation, providing further information than a single, by layer, quality measure, as well as enhancing error visualization.

DinaCliVe will enhance its academic and society outreach through an open-access of the cartography produced (data, metadata and quality indicators), and it will further develop an innovative Internet-based service of intelligent download and a proposal at the Open Geospatial Consortium of a new international standard, as an extension to the WCS 2.0, for the spatial quality indicators.

Many environmental, social and economic sectors may potentially benefit from the outcomes of DinaCliVe project (climate layers, land use dynamics, etc.), especially taking into account the overall spatial and temporal coherence and quality controls, and the fact that no such detailed databases have been presented for the entire Iberian Peninsula. We expect that results from DinaCliVe will shed light on the synergistic effects of climate, especially Mediterranean droughts in Spain, and complex interacting land use and land cover dynamics. We believe that such results will improve our understanding predictions of likely oncoming environmental changes.
