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Why not hold more classes outdoors?


A year of respite for Catalonia’s forests


Green infrastructure planned at European level is more efficient


Plants growing at extremes follow the global rules


Healthy soil is essential to achieve food sovereignty


CREAF earns 'Severo Ochoa' accreditation


Six essential techniques to discover regenerative agriculture!


The conservation of biodiversity, key to the future of the Catalan economy


Citizens move to adapt the Tordera and Serpis river basins to the impacts of global change

In the media

Annelies Broekman en TeleSur: La temperatura del mar Mediterráneo provoca cambios en el agua

In the media

Libération: «S’il ne pleut pas d’ici l’été, je ne sais pas ce qu’on va devenir» : en Catalogne, le sauve-qui-peut de l’agriculture et du tourisme face à la sécheresse

In the media, Intensive pig farming hogs scarce water in drought-hit Catalonia

In the media

Associated Press news agency (USA) , An expected drought emergency in northeast Spain would mean tighter water restrictions for Barcelona

In the media

Arte TV , Fog catchers in the fight against water shortages