
The center’s new talent is associated under the name CREAFuture

Social Media & New Formats Manager

Verónica Couto Antelo

Passionate about science, climate and global change outreach and the analysis of social movements and climate justice. Trained as a biologist with a specialisation in biodiversity (UB, 2015), but from

In March, CREAFuture was born, a self-organizing association of CREAF staff that begins its career. The aim of the group is to make a community and share the experiences and problems that scientists may encounter in their careers.

Trobada del CREAFuture en aquest Sant Jordi confinat per a recomanar-se lectures. Crèdit: Luca de Sois.
Trobada del CREAFuture en aquest Sant Jordi confinat per a recomanar-se lectures. Crèdit: Luca Da Sois.

An initial team of four people, Aina Garcia, Pau Sánchez, Marc Riera and Luca da Sois, proposed the creation of the group at the beginning of the year and more than 20 people have already joined, including staff research and technical staff. Since its inception, they have met fortnightly - from 4pm to 5pm on Thursdays -, now online due to the health situation, and they have been discussing their research, they have given talks for congresses, they have helped each other with bureaucracy issues to request stays at the foreign, among others, but they also talk about literature or illustration.

CREAFuture is a MEETING POINT. We share the concerns of early careers and scientific articles related to our expertise, but we also warm up, talk about cultural issues, and get to know newcomers, explains Paul.

Self-organizing sessions

At each meeting, a person is assigned to deal with a topic, and at the end, a space is left for questions and comments to make it more fluid and useful. The same person involved in that session will be in charge of organizing the event and sharing the information with the rest of the group.

“We have created a shared online space where we post the guidelines to follow at each meeting, the materials we use and the presentation prepared by the person in charge, if they use it. We also add various scientific documents that we think can be useful for everyone, courses or seminars of interest "explains Aina.

Do you want to be part of this community too? Just get in touch!


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