Research group
Regional projects

Water and Global Change

Water and Global Change

Facing global change isn’t an easy task, therefore decision-making processes should take advantage of all available scientific knowledge.

Land and water management policies need to adress important risks related to the impacts of climate change, as well as societal dynamics such as demographic and land use changes. Therefore, our team focuses on facilitating scientific information to be available for decision-making processes. Currently, the water research and global change group is composed by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in terms of:

  • Hydrological, climatic and forestry modelling.
  • Global change vulnerability assessments, including social, biophysical and climatic aspects.
  • Design of adaptation actions and strategies.
  • Pilot tests and demonstration actions.
  • Promotion of science based policies.
  • Participatory processes and innovative governance for adaptation.

Our team relays on sound experience collaborating with research teams from other disciplines, NGOs and public administrations at the local, regional, national and international level.



Aigua i canvi global
