Explore our research You can take a look at our projects, tools, initiatives and research groups All Projects and initiatives Research Groups Tools and guidebooks Advanced filters Thematic areas - Any -Biodiversity-Species distribution and phenology-Behavior, ecology and evolution-Population and community dynamics-Ecological networks and species interactions-Evolutionary ecologyEcosystem Functioning-Soil function and restoration-Stores and flows of water, carbon, and nutrients-Atmosphere-biosphere interactions-Functional biogeography-Chemical ecology, ecotoxicology, metagenomics, and metabolomicsGlobal Change-Climate change-Land use change and landscape dynamics-Fires-Biological invasions-Integrative and adaptive management of water and the territory-Urbanization and biodiversityEarth Observation-Long term ecosystem monitoring-GIS and remote sensing methodologies and applications-Regional and global environmental information services-Geospatial products and international standards- Any -Biodiversity-Species distribution and phenology-Behavior, ecology and evolution-Population and community dynamics-Ecological networks and species interactions-Evolutionary ecologyEcosystem Functioning-Soil function and restoration-Stores and flows of water, carbon, and nutrients-Atmosphere-biosphere interactions-Functional biogeography-Chemical ecology, ecotoxicology, metagenomics, and metabolomicsGlobal Change-Climate change-Land use change and landscape dynamics-Fires-Biological invasions-Integrative and adaptive management of water and the territory-Urbanization and biodiversityEarth Observation-Long term ecosystem monitoring-GIS and remote sensing methodologies and applications-Regional and global environmental information services-Geospatial products and international standards Transversal topics Regenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based SolutionsRegenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based Solutions Led by Participants Financing - Any -European Union ProjectsNational projectsSubnational projectsInterreg projectsProjects Life +ERC fellowshipsFellowship Marie CurieContracts and agreementsOthers- Any -European Union ProjectsNational projectsSubnational projectsInterreg projectsProjects Life +ERC fellowshipsFellowship Marie CurieContracts and agreementsOthers Year of start - Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015- Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015 - Any - CREAF leadership External leadership - Any - Active Inactive Area: Stores and flows of water, carbon, and nutrients Clear all Project / Initiative National projects Active ECO-FUN Ecological shifts, internet-of-things and functional responses of forests under increasing global warming pressures Project / Initiative European Union Projects Active SEACURE Innovative solutions to prevent, reduce and remediate nutrient pollution along the land-river-sea system in the Mediterranean basin Project / Initiative European Union Projects Inactive SUSTAIN Subarctic Soil C Stability and Nitrogen Transformations under Temperature Elevation Project / Initiative Contracts and agreements Active CARBOSOL Impacts of agricultural and forestry management on soil productivity improvement and its role as a carbon sink. Project / Initiative National projects Active SOILDEEPCHANGE Unraveling the role of soil layers deeper than 30 cm in a changing world Project / Initiative National projects Active DRASTIC Tree water use and drought responses: the roles of allometry, water storage and transport under climate change Project / Initiative Others Active DESFAKE CLIMA Desfake Clima Project / Initiative ERC fellowships Active STOIKOS Elemental Ecology: towards an element-based functional ecology Project / Initiative National projects Inactive NUTRIARID Unraveling and providing solutions to mitigate and adapt to the changes in the elementomes of organisms, communities and ecosystems Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page Següent › Last page Últim »