Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctoral researcher

Ferran Sayol Altarriba

I am a La Caixa Junior Leader researcher at CREAF, in Barcelona. My research aims to understand how biodiversity is originated and organized, and how it can be lost by anthropogenic
Postdoctoral researcher

Laura Roquer Beni

I have a degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master in Biodiversity (Universitat de Barcelona, UB). Since February 2016 I am a PhD Student at CREAF and my supervisors are
Postdoctoral researcher

Kaori Otsu

PhD in Terrestrial Ecology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, MSc in Geospatial Technologies by the Jaume I University, MSc and BSc in Forestry by the University of British Columbia
Postdoctoral researcher

Victor Flo Sierra

I have a degree in Bio-system Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and an MSc in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and I am currently a
Postdoctoral researcher

Celeste Azpiazu Segovia

Postdoctoral researcher

Xin Song

I gained my PhD degree at Lanzhou University, China (2023). Throughout my academic journey, I have focused on the research related to legume introduction on abandoned farmland with a long-term
Postdoctoral researcher

Lluís Gómez Gener

I hold both a BSc in Chemistry (2010) and a MSc in Water Science (2012). Sponsored by a FPI grant, in 2012 I joined the Department of Ecology at the
Postdoctoral researcher

Oliver John Binks

I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2016, where I looked at the capacity of some tropical rainforest tree species to alter leaf-level hydraulic traits in response
Postdoctoral researcher

Iwona Giska

She obtained her PhD in Biology in 2016 at Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) and at Vrije Universiteit in (Amsterdam, the Netherlands). During her PhD studies she worked assessing the impact
Postdoctoral researcher

Daniel Nadal Sala

PhD in Ecology from the University of Barcelona. He made his first postdoctoral stay at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. At CREAF he works with researcher Santi