Remote sensing

How the forests of the Iberian Peninsula have changed over 25 years?

The increase in drought episodes and the lack of water in the soil have favored Mediterranean speciesAt the same time, conifers are losing ground because they are less adapted to droughts. These trends correspond to the period of 1987 to 2012 and have been confirmed through satellite remote sensing images.

Broadleaf Climate change Conifers Cristina domingo @en Deciduous Drought Forest abandonment Forest dynamics Forest ecology and management @en Forests Holm oak Iberian peninsule Juan josé vidal macua @en Kermes oak Land use change Oak Perennial Pines Population dynamics Remote sensing Satellite Succession Topography Transition Xavier pons @en

Remote sensing of leaf pigments will improve climate change models

An international team of researchers co-led by Josep Peñuelas (CSIC and CREAF) has developed a new method for monitoring changes in the photosynthetic activity of perennial conifers throughout the year. This new technique, based on the analysis of remote sensing images captured by satellites, will improve global models of atmospheric carbon capture and permit more precise predictions about climate change.

Carbon Carbon dioxide Chlorophyll Co2 @en Co2 uptake Geu @en Josep peñuelas @en Leaves Photosynthesis Pigments @en Pnas @en Remote sensing Satellites