Climate crisis

Biodiversity and climate crisis, an inseparable tandem

The biodiversity and climate crisis are inextricably intertwined and cannot be addressed or resolved independent of one another. Although the global storytelling has tended to focus on climate change, science points out that nature is a critical ally in the fight against climate change and nature loss.

Biodiversitat Biodiversity loss Climate change Climate crisis International biodiversity day Pèrdua de biodiversitat

Science bonds the Mediterranean to drive climate action

CREAF and the Union for the Mediterranean promote science diplomacy to face the great regional challenges derived from the climate emergency. For this purpose, they have jointly organized the workshop “Increasing awareness of science diplomacy in the Mediterranean” and have published an open access report.

àfrica Climate action Climate crisis Climate emergency Cooperation Cooperation Dialog Dialogue Diplomacy Global challenges Mediterranean Middle east Public policies Scidip Science diplomacy Scientific diplomacy Women