
Maria Vives Ingla

I conducted a BSc in Biology from the Universitat de Barcelona (2016), a MSc in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management (2018) and a PhD in Terrestrial Ecology (2023) from the Universitat…

I conducted a BSc in Biology from the Universitat de Barcelona (2016), a MSc in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management (2018) and a PhD in Terrestrial Ecology (2023) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I developed the doctoral thesis at CREAF, supervised by researchers Jofre Carnicer and Josep Peñuelas, around the microclimatic, ecophysiological and demographic processes that modulate the responses to climate change and drought in a butterfly model species.

Then I joined the team of CREAF researcher Annelies Broekman as a research technician of the Community4Nature project of the Interreg EuroMED programme, to work on governance and transference for the conservation and restoration of the natural heritage and adaptation to global change.

Has participated in:

Project / Initiative

Governing irrigation modernizations in the face of global change: ecosocial transformations and effects on resilience

Project / Initiative
National projects

Ecological shifts, internet-of-things and functional responses of forests under increasing global warming pressures

Aigua i canvi global
Research group

Water and Global Change

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Vives-Ingla, Maria; Sala-Garcia, Javier; Stefanescu, Constantí; Casadó-Tortosa, Armand; Garcia, Meritxell; Peñuelas, Josep; Carnicer, Jofre

(en) - Interspecific differences in microhabitat use expose insects to contrasting thermal mortality,Interspecific differences in microhabitat use expose insects to contrasting thermal mortality. e1561-

2021 | Journal Article

Lembrechts, J.J.; van den Hoogen, J.; Aalto, J.; Ashcroft, M.B.; De Frenne, P.; Kemppinen, J.; Kopecký, M.; Luoto, M.; Maclean, I.M.D.; Crowther, T.W.; Bailey, J.J.; Haesen, S.; Klinges, D.H.; Niittynen, P.; Scheffers, B.R.; Van Meerbeek, K.; Aartsma, P.; Abdalaze, O.; Abedi, M.; Aerts, R.; Ahmadian, N.; Ahrends, A.; Alatalo, J.M.; Alexander, J.M.; Allonsius, C.N.; Altman, J.; Ammann, C.; Andres, C.; Andrews, C.; Ardö, J.; Arriga, N.; Arzac, A.; Aschero, V.; Assis, R.L.; Assmann, J.J.; Bader, M.Y.; Bahalkeh, K.; Barančok, P.; Barrio, I.C.; Barros, A.; Barthel, M.; Basham, E.W.; Bauters, M.; Bazzichetto, M.; Marchesini, L.B.; Bell, M.C.; Benavides, J.C.; Benito Alonso, J.L.; Berauer, B.J.; Bjerke, J.W.; Björk, R.G.; Björkman, M.P.; Björnsdóttir, K.; Blonder, B.; Boeckx, P.; Boike, J.; Bokhorst, S.; Brum, B.N.S.; Brůna, J.; Buchmann, N.; Buysse, P.; Camargo, J.L.; Campoe, O.C.; Candan, O.; Canessa, R.; Cannone, N.; Carbognani, M.; Carnicer, J.; Casanova-Katny, A.; Cesarz, S.; Chojnicki, B.; Choler, P.; Chown, S.L.; Cifuentes, E.F.; Čiliak, M.; Contador, T.; Convey, P.; Cooper, E.J.; Cremonese, E.; Curasi, S.R.; Curtis, R.; Cutini, M.; Dahlberg, C.J.; Daskalova, G.N.; de Pablo, M.A.; Della Chiesa, S.; Dengler, J.; Deronde, B.; Descombes, P.; Di Cecco, V.; Di Musciano, M.; Dick, J.; Dimarco, R.D.; Dolezal, J.; Dorrepaal, E.; Dušek, J.; Eisenhauer, N.; Eklundh, L.; Erickson, T.E.; Erschbamer, B.; Eugster, W.; Ewers, R.M.; Exton, D.A.; Fanin, N.; Fazlioglu, F.; Feigenwinter, I.; Fenu, G.; Ferlian, O.; Fernández Calzado, M.R.; Fernández-Pascual, E.; Finckh, M.; Higgens, R.F.; Forte, T.G.W.; Freeman, E.C.; Frei, E.R.; Fuentes-Lillo, E.; García, R.A.; García, M.B.; Géron, C.; Gharun, M.; Ghosn, D.; Gigauri, K.; Gobin, A.; Goded, I.; Goeckede, M.; Gottschall, F.; Goulding, K.; Govaert, S.; Graae, B.J.; Greenwood, S.; Greiser, C.; Grelle, A.; Guénard, B.; Guglielmin, M.; Guillemot, J.; Haase, P.; Haider, S.; Halbritter, A.H.; Hamid, M.; Hammerle, A.; Hampe, A.; Haugum, S.V.; Hederová, L.; Heinesch, B.; Helfter, C.; Hepenstrick, D.; Herberich, M.; Herbst, M.; Hermanutz, L.; Hik, D.S.; Hoffrén, R.; Homeier, J.; Hörtnagl, L.; Høye, T.T.; Hrbacek, F.; Hylander, K.; Iwata, H.; Jackowicz-Korczynski, M.A.; Jactel, H.; Järveoja, J.; Jastrzębowski, S.; Jentsch, A.; Jiménez, J.J.; Jónsdóttir, I.S.; Jucker, T.; Jump, A.S.; Juszczak, R.; Kanka, R.; Kašpar, V.; Kazakis, G.; Kelly, J.; Khuroo, A.A.; Klemedtsson, L.; Klisz, M.; Kljun, N.; Knohl, A.; Kobler, J.; Kollár, J.; Kotowska, M.M.; Kovács, B.; Kreyling, J.; Lamprecht, A.; Lang, S.I.; Larson, C.; Larson, K.; Laska, K.; le Maire, G.; Leihy, R.I.; Lens, L.; Liljebladh, B.; Lohila, A.; Lorite, J.; Loubet, B.; Lynn, J.; Macek, M.; Mackenzie, R.; Magliulo, E.; Maier, R.; Malfasi, F.; Máliš, F.; Man, M.; Manca, G.; Manco, A.; Manise, T.; Manolaki, P.; Marciniak, F.; Matula, R.; Mazzolari, A.C.; Medinets, S.; Medinets, V.; Meeussen, C.; Merinero, S.; Mesquita, R.D.C.G.; Meusburger, K.; Meysman, F.J.R.; Michaletz, S.T.; Milbau, A.; Moiseev, D.; Moiseev, P.; Mondoni, A.; Monfries, R.; Montagnani, L.; Moriana-Armendariz, M.; Morra di Cella, U.; Mörsdorf, M.; Mosedale, J.R.; Muffler, L.; Muñoz-Rojas, M.; Myers, J.A.; Myers-Smith, I.H.; Nagy, L.; Nardino, M.; Naujokaitis-Lewis, I.; Newling, E.; Nicklas, L.; Niedrist, G.; Niessner, A.; Nilsson, M.B.; Normand, S.; Nosetto, M.D.; Nouvellon, Y.; Nuñez, M.A.; Ogaya, R.; Ogée, J.; Okello, J.; Olejnik, J.; Olesen, J.E.; Opedal, Ø.H.; Orsenigo, S.; Palaj, A.; Pampuch, T.; Panov, A.V.; Pärtel, M.; Pastor, A.; Pauchard, A.; Pauli, H.; Pavelka, M.; Pearse, W.D.; Peichl, M.; Pellissier, L.; Penczykowski, R.M.; Peñuelas, J.; Petit Bon, M.; Petraglia, A.; Phartyal, S.S.; Phoenix, G.K.; Pio, C.; Pitacco, A.; Pitteloud, C.; Plichta, R.; Porro, F.; Portillo-Estrada, M.; Poulenard, J.; Poyatos, R.; Prokushkin, A.S.; Puchalka, R.; Pușcaș, M.; Radujković, D.; Randall, K.; Ratier Backes, A.; Remmele, S.; Remmers, W.; Renault, D.; Risch, A.C.; Rixen, C.; Robinson, S.A.; Robroek, B.J.M.; Rocha, A.V.; Rossi, C.; Rossi, G.; Roupsard, O.; Rubtsov, A.V.; Saccone, P.; Sagot, C.; Sallo Bravo, J.; Santos, C.C.; Sarneel, J.M.; Scharnweber, T.; Schmeddes, J.; Schmidt, M.; Scholten, T.; Schuchardt, M.; Schwartz, N.; Scott, T.; Seeber, J.; Segalin de Andrade, A.C.; Seipel, T.; Semenchuk, P.; Senior, R.A.; Serra-Diaz, J.M.; Sewerniak, P.; Shekhar, A.; Sidenko, N.V.; Siebicke, L.; Siegwart Collier, L.; Simpson, E.; Siqueira, D.P.; Sitková, Z.; Six, J.; Smiljanic, M.; Smith, S.W.; Smith-Tripp, S.; Somers, B.; Sørensen, M.V.; Souza, J.J.L.L.; Souza, B.I.; Souza Dias, A.; Spasojevic, M.J.; Speed, J.D.M.; Spicher, F.; Stanisci, A.; Steinbauer, K.; Steinbrecher, R.; Steinwandter, M.; Stemkovski, M.; Stephan, J.G.; Stiegler, C.; Stoll, S.; Svátek, M.; Svoboda, M.; Tagesson, T.; Tanentzap, A.J.; Tanneberger, F.; Theurillat, J.-P.; Thomas, H.J.D.; Thomas, A.D.; Tielbörger, K.; Tomaselli, M.; Treier, U.A.; Trouillier, M.; Turtureanu, P.D.; Tutton, R.; Tyystjärvi, V.A.; Ueyama, M.; Ujházy, K.; Ujházyová, M.; Uogintas, D.; Urban, A.V.; Urban, J.; Urbaniak, M.; Ursu, T.-M.; Vaccari, F.P.; Van de Vondel, S.; van den Brink, L.; Van Geel, M.; Vandvik, V.; Vangansbeke, P.; Varlagin, A.; Veen, G.F.; Veenendaal, E.; Venn, S.E.; Verbeeck, H.; Verbrugggen, E.; Verheijen, F.G.A.; Villar, L.; Vitale, L.; Vittoz, P.; Vives-Ingla, M.; von Oppen, J.; Walz, J.; Wang, R.; Wang, Y.; Way, R.G.; Wedegärtner, R.E.M.; Weigel, R.; Wild, J.; Wilkinson, M.; Wilmking, M.; Wingate, L.; Winkler, M.; Wipf, S.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Xenakis, G.; Yang, Y.; Yu, Z.; Yu, K.; Zellweger, F.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, P.; Ziemblińska, K.; Zimmermann, R.; Zong, S.; Zyryanov, V.I.; Nijs, I.; Lenoir, J.

Global maps of soil temperature,(ca) - Global maps of soil temperature.. 3110-3144

2021 | Journal Article

Carnicer, Jofre; Vives-Ingla, Maria; Blanquer, Laura; Méndez-Camps, Xavier; Rosell, Carme; Sabaté, Santi; Gutiérrez, Emília; Sauras, Teresa; Peñuelas, Josep; Barbeta, Adrià

Forest resilience to global warming is strongly modulated by local‐scale topographic, microclimatic and biotic conditions,(en) - Forest resilience to global warming is strongly modulated by local-scale topographic, microclimatic and biotic conditions,Forest resilience to global warming is strongly modulated by local-scale topographic, microclimatic and biotic conditions. 3322-3339

2019 | Journal Article

Jofre, Carnicer; Constantí, Stefanescu; Maria, Vives-Ingla; Carlos, López; Sofia, Cortizas; Christopher, Wheat; Roger, Vila; Joan, Llusià; Josep, Peñuelas;

(en) - Phenotypic biomarkers of climatic impacts on declining insect populations: A key role for decadal drought, thermal buffering and amplification effects and host plant dynamics,Phenotypic biomarkers of climatic impacts on declining insect populations: A key role for decadal drought, thermal buffering and amplification effects and host plant dynamics. 0376-391