
CREAF and Barraquer join forces to protect the forests of the future

Communication Technician

Alba Gimbert Àlvarez

Renaissance scientist and eternal apprentice eager to explore the exciting worlds of communication, education and dissemination of natural heritage.

We are joining forces with the Centre d'Oftalmologia Barraquer to promote intelligent forest management based on excellent science through the signing of a collaboration agreement.

The goal is to make a strong commitment to young talent, and for this reason, Barraquer will contribute to the new 'Forests of the Future Fund', which we are launching this 2023 at CREAF, specifically to the new 'Impulse Grants' program to help promote Applied Forest Ecology research at the center. Thanks to this support, a young predoctoral researcher will be able to continue advancing in their scientific research, contributing to providing answers and solutions to adapt our Mediterranean forests to the major challenges of global change, which we must face together if we want to achieve the unique health of the planet and people.

Thanks to this support, a young predoctoral researcher will be able to continue advancing in their scientific research.

As part of this partnership, CREAF and the Centre Barraquer will carry out various joint actions to promote excellent scientific research, adaptation of forests to climate change, knowledge, awareness and connection of society with local nature, and the involvement of citizens in collaborative science. How? Among other things, we will work together to carry out various scientific-environmental awareness-raising and outreach activities, which we will put into practice with the Barraquer team by promoting various citizen science projects of CREAF, such as our Alerta Forestal project. This project allows monitoring the health status of forests through photographs taken by volunteer participants. Thanks to this collaboration, the Barraquer family and their team will also have the opportunity to become citizen ambassadors of ecology science to help raise awareness about the importance of the problems already affecting Mediterranean forests and to ensure healthy natural ecosystems, as well as our role as a responsible and committed society in monitoring and obtaining scientific data to find solutions and together achieve true global health.

"This is a great opportunity to showcase our work to society in general. And we can do it alongside a long-standing company in Catalonia, which understands like few others the value of research to improve the health and quality of life of people. The alliance between Barraquer and CREAF exemplifies like few others the need to link the health of ecosystems and people in this new concept of global health that has come to stay."
Joan Pino, CREAF director
Joan Pino, <span style="font-weight: normal;"> CREAF director
"With this collaboration, Barraquer aims to help develop efficient forest management and promote a stronger awareness among the public about the need to protect the environment. The contribution to the Impulse Scholarship Fund to support young researchers is in line with our commitment to promoting young talent."
Prof. Rafael I. Barraquer, medical director of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center
Prof. Rafael I. Barraquer, <span style="font-weight: normal;">medical director of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center

The collaboration falls under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aims to help committed companies like Barraquer create a positive impact by aligning and contributing to climate action (SDG 13) and life on land (SDG 15). Through these types of strategic public-private collaborations (SDG 17), we combine efforts to address global social, economic, and environmental challenges through excellent scientific evidence and an informed and engaged citizenry in decision-making. The aid associated with the collaboration, like others made through the Business Collaboration Agreement with CREAF's projects, is channeled through our affiliated foundation, the Fundació Terra.

Joan Pino giving an explanation during Barraquer's visit to the Can Balasc facilities. Photo: Alba Gimbert.
Joan Pino giving an explanation during Barraquer's visit to the Can Balasc facilities. Photo: Alba Gimbert.

Let's have a view through the forests of the future

The Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre is a leading medical institution in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of ocular diseases. Since 1941, it has been providing comprehensive ophthalmic care to patients from all over the world, thanks to a medical team of more than 30 highly specialized and renowned ophthalmologists. In addition to providing a differential human quality in patient care, the center diversifies its activity with three other areas of action: education, research, and social work. The company has decided to enrich its corporate social responsibility and for this reason, it is now committed to collaborating with ecology science, to promote careful management of biodiversity and the health of our natural environments, an aspect that is recognized as crucial for a sustainable future and vital for people's health. The drive to take on the responsibility of promoting a healthy and resilient environment led them to create the #TinguemVista initiative last year. Thanks to this campaign, they will join forces to contribute to local actions, and in 2023, they have made a clear commitment to the science of CREAF.

The alliance between CREAF and Barraquer is an opportunity for collaboration and financial support for research in Applied Forest Ecology. Photo: Alba Gimbert.
The alliance between CREAF and Barraquer is an opportunity for collaboration and financial support for research in Applied Forest Ecology. Photo: Alba Gimbert.

This new business collaboration adds to the efforts we are driving from CREAF to establish new strategic relationships, framed within our 'Philanthropy and Private Sector Alliances' office. This office is responsible for establishing connections between CREAF and the private sector, including entities and individuals, weaving synergies and sharing new opportunities for direct collaboration between society and ecology science developed by CREAF, with the added value offered by strategic scientific philanthropy.

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