2020 | Journal Article

Bogdziewicz M., Kelly D., Tanentzap A.J., Thomas P.A., Lageard J.G.A., Hacket-Pain A

Climate Change Strengthens Selection for Mast Seeding in European Beech. 3477-3483

2020 | Journal Article

Maleki, Maral; Arriga, Nicola; Barrios, José Miguel; Wieneke, Sebastian; Liu, Qiang; Peñuelas, Josep; Janssens, Ivan A.; Balzarolo, Manuela

Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) phenology of a short-rotation plantation using remotely sensed indices derived from Sentinel-2 images,(en) - Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) phenology of a short-rotation plantation using remotely sensed indices derived from Sentinel-2 images. 2104-

2023 | Journal Article

Leland, C.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Cook, E.R.; Anchukaitis, K.J.; Byambasuren, O.; Davi, N.; Hessl, A.; Martin-Benito, D.; Nachin, B.; Pederson, N.

Impacts of climate and tree morphology on tree-ring stable isotopes in central Mongolia. 539-555

2022 | Journal Article

Li, Xiaofei; Sardans, Jordi; Qi, Mengting; Ni, Xiangyin; Zhang, Mingfeng; Peñuelas, Josep; Yue, Kai; Wu, Fuzhong

Nitrous oxide concentration and flux in Min River Basin of southeast China: Effects of land use, stream order and water variables,(en) - Nitrous oxide concentration and flux in Min River Basin of southeast China: Effects of land use, stream order and water variables. 128507-

2020 | Journal Article

Bogusch P., Hlaváčková L., Petr L., Bosch J..

Nest structure, pollen preference and parasites associated with two common west-mediterranean bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Megachilidae) nesting in empty gastropod shells. 113-125

2020 | Journal Article

Espelta, Josep Maria; Cruz-Alonso, Verónica; Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel; Hampe, Arndt; Messier, Christian; Pino, Joan

(en) - Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought,Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought. 2362-2372

2021 | Journal Article

Urbina, Ifigenia; Grau, Oriol; Sardans, Jordi; Margalef, Olga; Peguero, Guillermo; Asensio, Dolores; LLusià, Joan; Ogaya, Romà; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Van Langenhove, Leandro; Verryckt, Lore T.; Courtois, Elodie A.; Stahl, Clément; Soong, Jennifer L.; Chave, Jerome; Hérault, Bruno; Janssens, Ivan A.; Sayer, Emma; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - High foliar K and P resorption efficiencies in old-growth tropical forests growing on nutrient-poor soils,High foliar K and P resorption efficiencies in old‐growth tropical forests growing on nutrient‐poor soils,High foliar K and P resorption efficiencies in old-growth tropical forests growing on nutrient-poor soils. 8969-8982

2020 | Journal Article

Pascual-Benito, M.; Nadal-Sala, D.; Tobella, M.; Ballesté, E.; García-Aljaro, C.; Sabaté, S.; Sabater, F.; Martí, E.; Gracia-Aljaro, C.; Blanch, A.R.; Lucena, F.

Modelling the seasonal impacts of a wastewater treatment plant on water quality in a Mediterranean stream using microbial indicators,(en) - Modelling the seasonal impacts of a wastewater treatment plant on water quality in a Mediterranean stream using microbial indicators. 110220-

2020 | Journal Article

Nikolakopoulou, Myrto; Argerich, Alba; Bernal, Susana; Gacia, Esperança; Ribot, Miquel; Martí, Eugènia; Sorolla, Albert; Sabater, Francesc

Effect of Three Emergent Macrophyte Species on Nutrient Retention in Aquatic Environments under Excess Nutrient Loading,(en) - Effect of Three Emergent Macrophyte Species on Nutrient Retention in Aquatic Environments under Excess Nutrient Loading. 15376-15384

2020 | Journal Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constantí; Palmer, Stephen C.F.; Travis, Justin M.J.; Pino, Joan

(en) - The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with 74 Annual Report 2020 | Scientific output contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona. 103707-