
How to reduce water fragility in a context of drought

Why can the drought that Catalonia is experiencing today not be blamed solely on climate change? Could the situation of persistent drought be a foreshadowing of what Europe will experience in the coming years? To what extent does the situation have to do with water management policies? What are the steps we need to take from now on? We are trying to provide a summary to answer these questions, about a case that is not isolated and may be the prelude to situations that will arise over the next 50 years.

Catalonia Catalunya Drought Europa Europe Gestió Global change Management Water

CREAF visits the European Parliament to advocate the urgent need to manage Mediterranean forests

On 7 November, the European Parliament was the venue for an unprecedented seminar entitled "The need for forest management. The case of Mediterranean forests", organised by Catalan MEP Jordi Solé, vice-president of the Greens/EFA parliamentary group. The seminar opened with a welcome address by Jordi Solé, who presented the critical context of forests in Catalonia. The event was attended by leading figures in the field from various research centres and institutions, including CREAF.

Biodiversitat Climate change Drought Europa Forest Forest management Global change

Drought is already one of the 4 most critical natural hazards in Southwest Europe

Drought and its consequences is one of the 4 most critical natural hazards in the mountain areas of Southwest Europe, together with floods, fires and soil degradation. This is one of the starting points of the third transnational seminar on strategies for the management and prevention of drought impacts on mountain forests in Southwest Europe, integrated in the SUDOE MONTCLIMA project.

Diana pascual Drought Eduard pla Institut pirinenc d'ecologia Jordi martínez vilalta Mireia banqué Montclima @ca Observatori pirinenc de canvi climàtic Sequera muntanya Sequera sud-oest europa Sequera sudoe

A study shows how difficult it is for temperate forests to recover from severe drought

Climate change is making forests all over the world more vulnerable to drought, causing tree mortality episodes with serious ecological and social consequences. As yet, the traits of the vegetation replacing trees that have died as a result of drought are not known.

Climate change forest Drought Enric batllori @en Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality @en Forest draught Francisco lloret @en Paco lloret @en Pnas @en Sandra saura mas @en