Cicles biogeoquímics

Ozone affects plants, insects and microorganisms, and poses a threat to global biodiversity

According to a study co-authored by CREAF-based CSIC researcher Josep Peñuelas and published in Science Advances, increases in ozone in Earth’s atmosphere will be a danger to the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Basin, Japan and equatorial Africa by 2100.

Biogeochemical cycle Carbon cycle Cov @en Csic @en Josep peñuelas @en Nitrogen cycle Nutrient cycle Organic volatile compound Ozone Pollination

Close to 50% of phosphorus emitted to the atmosphere is a result of human activities

According to the study in which CREAF participated, China contributes 43% of this amount. For decades it had been thought that human activities were responsible for only around 5% of atmospherically-circulating phosphorus. More phosphorus in the air means more phosphors deposited on the ground. This can boost plant growth and the capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2; for that reason human activities may be altering the phosphorus and carbon cycles to a degree which was previously unknown

Biogeochemical cycles Erc @en Geu @en Imbalance-p @en Josep peñuelas @en Nutrient cycle Phosphorus

Nutrient-rich forests absorb more carbon

The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, showed that forests growing in fertile soils with ample nutrients are able to sequester about 30% of the carbon that they take up during photosynthesis. In contrast, forests growing in nutrient-poor soils may retain only 6% of that carbon. The rest is returned to the atmosphere as respiration.

Biogeochemical cycles Captació co2 Cicles biogeoquímics Co2 @en Co2 uptake Edm@en Embornal Forest Geu @en Imbalance-p @en Marcos fernandez-martinez Marcos fernandez-martinez @en Nutrient cycle Nutrients Peñuelas @en