Alicia perez-porro @en
CREAF attends the Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, COP15
Alicia perez-porro
Alicia perez-porro @en
Biodiversity and economy
Biodiversity loss
Daniel villero
Ipbes @en
Ipcc @en
Lluis brotons
Lluis brotons @en
Natural heritage and biodiversity observatory
Nature-based solutions
Observatori patrimoni natural i biodiversitat
Sergi herrando @ca
Sergi herrando @en
What is IPBES?
Biodiversity loss is undeniable, but at what rate? Why? How does it affect us? And what can we do? The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has been answering these questions since its creation in 2012.
CREAF, observer organisation at the 8th IPBES plenary session
Alicia Pérez-Porro: "I admire CREAF's multidisciplinary spirit and transversality, one of the reasons that got me interested in this position"
A few months before the end of 2020, CREAF welcomed Alicia Pérez-Porro as the new Scientific Coordinator, a key and cross-functional leadership role for the center.
Alicia is a marine biologist who combines ecology, gender equality, science policy and science diplomacy. After 12 years living in the United States, she is thrilled to return home “twice”: returning to Catalonia, and returning to the biodiversity and climate change research arena.