2023 | Journal Article

Zhao, Qian; Zhu, Zaichun; Zeng, Hui; Myneni, Ranga B.; Zhang, Yao; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong

Publisher Correction: Seasonal peak photosynthesis is hindered by late canopy development in northern ecosystems (Nature Plants, (2022), 8, 12, (1484-1492), 10.1038/s41477-022-01278-9). 192-

2023 | Journal Article

Rowland, Lucy; Ramírez-Valiente, Jose-Alberto; Hartley, Iain P.; Mencuccini, Maurizio

How woody plants adjust above- and below-ground traits in response to sustained drought. 1173-1189

2021 | Journal Article

Vallicrosa, Helena; Sardans, Jordi; Ogaya, Romà; Fernández, Pere Roc; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Short-term n-fertilization differently affects the leaf and leaf litter chemistry of the dominant species in a mediterranean forest under drought conditions,Short-Term N-Fertilization Differently Affects the Leaf and Leaf Litter Chemistry of the Dominant Species in a Mediterranean Forest under Drought Conditions. 605-605

2021 | Journal Article

Shan, Nan; Zhang, Yongguang; Chen, Jing M.; Ju, Weimin; Migliavacca, Mirco; Peñuelas, Josep; Yang, Xi; Zhang, Zhaoying; Nelson, Jacob A.; Goulas, Yves

A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence,(en) - A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. 112134-112134

2020 | Journal Article

Kevin Van Sundert, Dajana Radujković, Nathalie Cools, Bruno De Vos, Sophia Etzold, Marcos Fernández-Martínez, Ivan A. Janssens, Päivi Merilä, Josep Peñuelas, Jordi Sardans, Johan Stendahl, César Terrer, Sara Vicca

Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales—Review and development of nutrient metrics,Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales—Review and development of nutrient mètrics. 392-409

2021 | Chapter in Book

Daniel Sol; Ferran Sayol; Simon Ducatez

Intelligence Versus Natural Selection. 4174-4177

2023 | Journal Article

Hei, Jie; Xie, Haiyun; LiumingYang; Wang, Weiqi; Sardans, Jordi; Wang, Chun; Tariq, Akash; Zeng, Fanjiang; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Effects of contrasting N-enriched biochar applications on paddy soil and rice leaf phosphorus fractions in subtropical China,Effects of contrasting N-enriched biochar applications on paddy soil and rice leaf phosphorus fractions in subtropical China. -

2023 | Journal Article

Avila, Anna; Rodà, Ferran

Long-term hydrological and biogeochemical datasets from a Mediterranean forest site (Montseny, NE Spain),(en) - Long-term hydrological and biogeochemical datasets from a Mediterranean forest site (Montseny, NE Spain). -

2023 | Journal Article

Marull, Joan; Padró, Roc; La Rota-Aguilera, María José; Pino, Joan; Giocoli, Annalisa; Cirera, Jacob; Ruiz-Forés, Núria; Coll, Francesc; Serrano-Tovar, Tarik; Velasco-Fernández, Raúl

(en) - Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures,(ca) - Modelling land use planning,Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures. -

2023 | Journal Article

Kováč, Daniel; Novotný, Jan; Šigut, Ladislav; Ač, Alexander; Peñuelas, Josep; Grace, John; Urban, Otmar

(en) - Estimation of photosynthetic dynamics in forests from daily measured fluorescence and PRI data with adjustment for canopy shadow fraction,Estimation of photosynthetic dynamics in forests from daily measured fluorescence and PRI data with adjustment for canopy shadow fraction. -