CREAF launches new website!
We invite you to visit our new website
We invite you to visit our new website
The July campaign in the Pyrenees, rated by National Geographic as one of the 50 tours of a lifetime is on Facebook! Follow our Facebook account to discover new adventures starting in September.
Researchers from CREAF, CSIC, and the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Estonia have found that flowers are becoming more fragrant as the global mean temperature rises. In addition, intense heat provokes changes in the composition of floral aromas, transforming the odors of natural areas. This could lead to pollinizers mistaking the identity of flowers, especially specialist species whose flower visits are guided by their own innate olfactory preferences.
Around the world, invasive animal species are pushing out the natives, sometimes forever altering ecosystems. House sparrows are a prime example, having spread from Europe to most inhabited parts of the world. Daniel Sol has collaborated in an dissemination article for the Science journal that have gleaned key traits underlying its incredible success.
This leaflet presents the final achievements of the GeoViQua (QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems) project described in terms of two demonstration scenarios. The scenario 1 is related to agriculture flooding practices control, and the scenario 2 talks about the Global Carbon Atlas.
You can consult and download the poster presentation of the CREAF that was made for the 2014 CERCA Conference. The poster is a very synthetic vision about the Centre during the period 2012-2013.
Consult the poster here:
An extensive programme of activities remembers the scientific mastery of Ramon Margalef, the first Spanish professor of Ecology and an international example for many worldwide scientists.
Imatge de l'aniversari
On May 26th 2014, experts from different countries and background (industry, policymaking, science, NGOs, etc) gathered in Morocco in the framework of the project “Mediterranean Network of Forestry Research and Innovation” (MENFRI) to assess the forestry sector organization and development opportunities in Mediterranean countries.