Mathematics in the fight against forest drought

A study by CTFC and CREAF scientists has led to the development of a mathematical model which predicts drought stress in forests. The research shows that forest drought stress depends on climatic conditions as well as vegetation and soil characteristics. 

Adaptations forests Ctfc @en Drought Forest management Forests Jordi martínez vilalta @en Lluis brotons @en Lluis coll @en Mathematics Miquel de caceres @en Mitigation Modeling Rafael poyatos @en Stress Water balance
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Importance of precipitation timescales and timing for the productivity of ecosystems in observations and experiments manipulating the precipitation

Torrent del Bosc Negre (aut. Clemens Schmillen)
Project / Initiative
Fellowship Marie Curie

Hydraulic functional traits as determinants of forest function and drought responses. Putting xylem and phloem attributes into the functional trait map

#FenoDato seeks citizens to help monitor how climate change is altering nature’s rhythm

Climate experts, botanists, geographers and ecologists from CREAF and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) will train citizens to monitor seasonal changes which can be observed in nature. This way citizens will be able to help the scientists study the effects of climate change on animals and plants. Flower emergence, the dropping of leaves, or the arrival of certain birds will be some of the changes to be studied. Once trained, citizens will be able to contribute to European and Spanish phenology observation networks.

#fenodato @en Citizen science Climate change El niño @en Global change Joan masó @en Miquel ninyerola @en Phenology

CO2 absorption in European ecosystems depends on two major climatic phenomena

The worst scenario occurs when NAO and EA are in opposite phases. This ocurred in the first few years of the previous decade and during this period, the CO2 uptake was below average. Recently, NAO and EA were in the same phase and ecosystems have been able to remove more carbon from the atmosphere.

Absorption Carbon Climate Co2 @en Co2 uptake Ea @en Ecosystems Geu @en Josep peñuelas @en Nao @en Nature @en