Citizens and scientists propose actions to face global change in Tordera

A diverse group of stakeholders took part in a dynamic workshop to evaluate the best options to manage water in the Tordera River Basin in a more sustainable and adaptive way. The 17 participants included researchers, managers, farmers and other citizens who live and work in the Basin. The meeting took place in Santa Maria de Palautordera on 17 June 2015. Key options identified included adaptive forest management, the implementation of environmental flows and better citizen participation spaces. 

Anabel sánchez @en Annelies broeckman Bewater @en Ciència ciutadana Citizen participation Citizen science Climate change Ecologic Efi Prospex River Society Tordera @en
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

INtegrated research on FOrest Resilience and Management in the mEDiterranean

Increased daytime temperatures is causing earlier leaf emergence

A study led by a CREAF-CSIC researcher has outlined a new methodology for describing changes in the life cycle of plants caused by planetary warmingwith higher precision. Daytime, rather than nocturnal temperatures determine phenological changes. The increase in temperatures, leading to an earlier spring, alters the global functioning of ecosystems.

Climate change Geu @en Global change Josep peñuelas @en Models @en Nutrient cycle Phenology Temperatures @en

Droughts alter microbial diversity of the land and increase CO2 emissions

Researchers from the UAB, CREAF and the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) have analysed how the deterioration of woods caused by droughts associated to global warming are affecting the microbial composition of the soil and modifying carbon cycles.

Climate change Co2 @en Doñana @en Drought Francisco lloret @en Microbial diversity Nutrients cycle Soils

CREAF starts a project for the transfer of results of European R&D on water to the marketplace and to society

CREAF coordinates the European project WaterInnEU, whose objective is to create a marketplace connecting results of European R&D on water with potential users. Through WaterInnEU, it is hoped that tools, protocols, and data produced by European research can be standardised, provided via open access, and that they are transferred to actors in the water management sector with decision-making power, or that they penetrate into the market in the form of products and services. 

Eip water @en H2020 @en Innovation International Interoperability Joan masó @en Lluís pesquer @en Marketplace @en Sig @en Standards Transfer Water