The youngest ecosystems are those most sensitive to climate change

CREAF participated in a study which proposes that in order to understand the full impact of climate change, it is not enough to study just protected natural areas, which are mature and able to handle change; instead, it is important to focus on the study of those ecosystems which have been altered and are still recovering.

Climate change Drought Forest ecology Garraf @en Geu @en Global change Josep peñuelas @en

Human activity may be supporting growth of harmful algae in lakes

The organisms commonly known as blue-green algae have proliferated much more rapidly than other algae in lakes across North America and Europe over the past two centuries – and in many cases the rate of increase has sharply accelerated since the mid-20th century, according to an international team of researchers led by scientists at McGill University with CREAF and CSIC researchers.

Algae blooms Global change Jordi catalan Nutrient cycle

Yellow sugarcane aphid detected in Spain

The yellow sugarcane aphid feeds on plants of the family of grasses. Researchers from the UAB and CREAF and from the University of León have discovered this species in Tarragona and Girona, which probably arrived from Northen Africa. Up to now it is unknown to what extent the aphid could represent a threat to European extensive crops of such plants, such as rice or maize, so it is needed a distribution map of this species in Europe in order to evaluate its potential pest behaviour.

Invasive species Josep piñol @en Shipa flava @en Xavier espadaler @en Yellow aphid

CREAF will coordinate the creation of ENEON, a European network of earth observation

This week saw the first meeting of the ConnectinGEO project, a new European Horizon2020 project coordinated by CREAF that has the objective of coordinating and promoting the use of Earth observation data in Europe. Earth observation data are used for determining the health of the planet from space, using remote sensing technology such as sensors and cameras on planes, satellites, and other airships

Connectingeo @en Geoss @en Gis @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en

El CREAF coordinará la creación de ENEON, la red de redes europeas de observación de la tierra

Esta semana se ha celebrado el primer encuentro del proyecto ConnectinGEO, un nuevo proyecto europeo del Horizon2020 coordinado por el CREAF que quiere homogeneizar i potenciar el uso de datos de observación de la tierra en Europa.  Los datos de observación de la tierra sirven para analizar la salud del planeta desde el cielo, utilizando la teledetección con sensores o cámaras instalados en aviones, satélites o aeronaves.

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

INaturalist Spain, creating community using case studies

Alzina i roure
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Phenological observations created and validated by citizens for scientific analysis of global change

Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Applying European market leadership to river basin networks and spreading of innovation on water ICT models, tools and data