
CREAF and Javier Royo launch #insciencetoo, a campaign to highlight gender inequality in science

“Ah, right, so you’re in charge?" The question and the look of surprise speak for themselves. The researcher cannot believe what he has just found out: that the leader of the new international research project he is taking part in is a young woman. This real-life experience and others like it have prompted a campaign with the slogan“It happens in science too”, which CREAF is set to launch this week to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

11f Dona i ciència Gender Gènere Institucional Institucional Institutional Women and science

Joan Pino, director of the CREAF, announces that he will not be part of male-only expert panels

The director of CREAF joins the institutional campaign #ICOMMIT and makes public his personal commitment in favor of equality between men and women within the scientific world. His commitment aims to raise his voice against the so-called manel or all-man panels.

11f All men panels Day of woman and girls in science Dona i ciència Equality Gender Institutional Joan pino @en Manel Teresa rosas Teresa rosas @en

Alicia Pérez-Porro: "I admire CREAF's multidisciplinary spirit and transversality, one of the reasons that got me interested in this position"

A few months before the end of 2020, CREAF welcomed Alicia Pérez-Porro as the new Scientific Coordinator, a key and cross-functional leadership role for the center.

Alicia is a marine biologist who combines ecology, gender equality, science policy and science diplomacy. After 12 years living in the United States, she is thrilled to return home “twice”: returning to Catalonia, and returning to the biodiversity and climate change research arena.

Alicia perez-porro Alicia perez-porro @en Equality Gender equality Gestió científica @en Institutional Our people Política científica @en Scientific diplomacy Scientific diplomacy Scientific management Scientific strategy Severo ochoa @en

Leading scientific associations and innovative companies demand to place R&D at the heart of Spain’s strategy

CREAF signs the document as a member of Severo Ochoa & Maria de Maeztu Alliance (SOMMa).  The signatories demand a national pact that includes long-term strategies aimed at promoting frontier science and business innovation. The document aims to add and provide strategic solutions to the recent Pact for Science and Innovation that the Government has just announced.

Institutional Scientific politics Severo ochoa @en Somma @en

CREAF Annual Report 2019 is already available

We invite you to read the CREAF Annual Report 2019, so you can keep informed about all our progress. During that year, we published 233 articles indexed on SCI. 88% of this articles were in scientific magazines located in the first quartile.

Finally we can share with you the last CREAF Annual Report, which gather up the most important milestones, news, events, activities and publications of the center during 2019. You will also find information about CREAF's research projects, staff and financial questions. Some of the highlights are:

11 women who have improved our knowledge about terrestrial ecology and evolution

Science histpry often doesn't visibilize all people equally. Some of them people who have inspired big changes, in this case in ecology and evolution. Many of them are women, and that is why we want to take advantage of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science to make them known.

Ecology Gènere Jaume terradas