Alicia perez-porro

Why it is necessary to read the climate emergency from a gender perspective

The critical role of women in a climate emergency context involves recognizing their dedication to caring for people and cohesion and their vulnerability, among many other cases, both in developed and developing countries. The context is more critical in countries in economic development, because poverty, lack of access to international and national sources of financing, the fact of not owning agricultural land and the perpetuation of non-respectful ways of doing things (to quote some causes) complicate the situation.

Alicia perez-porro Climate change Climate change gender Eldiarioes Gender

CREAF celebrates the third edition of the 'vermouth' focusing on ecosystem services

CREAF organised the third edition of its internal thematic 'vermouths' with ecosystem services - or the contributions of nature to people - as the main theme of the presentations and debate. During the event, 14 CREAF researchers shared their studies and projects with almost 50 attendees. The topics ranged from pollinators, green infrastructures in urban spaces and the key role of soil, to the services provided by forests and how to monitor them using geospatial tools, among others.

Alicia perez-porro Anabel sanchez Ecosystem services Jordi martínez vilalta Laura roquer Mireia banqué Serveis ecosistèmics Vermouth

It's a fact, we lose biodiversity: time for action?

The IDEES Journal, published by the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Issues. Department of Institutional and External Affairs and Relations and Transparency, has published a monograph on the 2030 Agenda in which the different types of challenges involved are described. CREAF has led and written the chapter on biodiversity conservation, which is described below.

Agenda 2030 Alicia perez-porro Biodiversitat Cads Estat natura Insitucional Ipbes

Alicia Pérez-Porro: "I admire CREAF's multidisciplinary spirit and transversality, one of the reasons that got me interested in this position"

A few months before the end of 2020, CREAF welcomed Alicia Pérez-Porro as the new Scientific Coordinator, a key and cross-functional leadership role for the center.

Alicia is a marine biologist who combines ecology, gender equality, science policy and science diplomacy. After 12 years living in the United States, she is thrilled to return home “twice”: returning to Catalonia, and returning to the biodiversity and climate change research arena.

Alicia perez-porro Alicia perez-porro @en Equality Gender equality Gestió científica @en Institutional Our people Política científica @en Scientific diplomacy Scientific diplomacy Scientific management Scientific strategy Severo ochoa @en