Ecosystem services

CREAF celebrates the third edition of the 'vermouth' focusing on ecosystem services

CREAF organised the third edition of its internal thematic 'vermouths' with ecosystem services - or the contributions of nature to people - as the main theme of the presentations and debate. During the event, 14 CREAF researchers shared their studies and projects with almost 50 attendees. The topics ranged from pollinators, green infrastructures in urban spaces and the key role of soil, to the services provided by forests and how to monitor them using geospatial tools, among others.

Alicia perez-porro Anabel sanchez Ecosystem services Jordi martínez vilalta Laura roquer Mireia banqué Serveis ecosistèmics Vermouth

Creating less flammable landscapes would as much as halve the area expected to be affected by fire in the next 30 years

Using mathematical models, a joint Spanish and Portuguese study has shown that altering the landscape, so as to reduce vegetation density and combustibility for example, and promoting farming activities of high natural value would drastically reduce the amount of land damaged by fire.

Combustibility Ecosystem services Fire Fire-smart management Forest fire Lluis brotons @en Núria aquillué Silvana país University of santiago de compostela

Pragmatic ecology

Recently, my friend Paul Zedler raised a question between insidious and philosophical: our scientific procedure based on searching for processes and establishing causal relationships, has no significance unless it translates into actions. I had no other option than accept the premise, otherwise I would get exposed at the top of the infamous ivory tower.

Adaptative management Ecological restoration Ecosystem services Festina lente @en Francisco lloret @en Land use change Nature-based solutions @en Paco lloret @en Restoration Urbanization

New forests grow faster but are more sensitive to climate change

A study led by CREAF has found that new forests growing on abandoned rural land are able to capture more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere than long-established forests. This effect could be temporary, however, as the wood of their trees is less dense, making them more vulnerable to extreme climate events.

Climate change Ecosystem services Forests Global change Josep maria espelta @en Land uses change Mediterranean Raquel alfaro @en Reservoir Tree

Mountain birds in decline in Europe

CREAF and ICO (Catalan Ornithological Institute) researchers Sergi Herrando and Lluís Brotons have participated in a study that shows populations of birds described as mountain specialists to have fallen by 10% in a decade in Europe. The situation is even more alarming in the Pyrenees and elsewhere in the Iberian Peninsula, where mountain bird populations fell by 21%.

Biodiversity Birds Climate change Ecosystem services Habitat loss Ipbes @en Lluis brotons @en Mountains Population dynamics Pyrenees Sergi herrando @en

Do you know that Earth Observation can be used to monitor ecosytem services?

ECOPOTENTIAL Project is going Online! ECOPOTENTIAL  is a large European-funded H2020 project that focuses its activities on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services.

Biodiversity Climate Ecopotential @en Ecosystem services H2020 @en Protected areas