Global change requires new fire management to preserve biodiversity

More than 4,400 terrestrial and freshwater species are threatened by changes in the fire regime. While many species are at risk by the increased frequency and intensity of fire, its suppression can be harmful to some life forms and ecosystems.

Alejandra morán @en Andrea duane @en Biodiversity Ecosystems Fire Fire management Lluis brotons @en Luke kelly @en Mediterranean Núria aquillué Virgilio hermoso @en Wildfires

Josep Peñuelas, distinguished as a member of the leading American organization in advanced Earth and space science

The scientific organization American Geophysical Union (AGU) has highlighted the researcher Josep Peñuelas as AGU Fellow, a distinguished member of the year 2020, "for his dedication and exceptional contribution to Earth and space sciences and for having contributed to advancing through research and innovation."

Agu fellow @en American geophysical union @en Josep peñuelas @en

Citizen science, reinforced thanks to Ground Truth 2.0 and its methodology

Creating and validating a methodology to generate citizen science observatories is the common thread of the European project Ground Truth 2.0, which has worked with 4 observatories in Europe (Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and Sweden) and 2 in Africa (Kenya and Zambia) in actual operating conditions.

Ciència ciutadana Citizen science Citizen science observatory Citizen science quality Corina basnou @en Earth observation Geoss @en Ground truth 2.0 @en Grow @en Inspire @en Joan masó Joan masó @en Landsense @en Open street map @en Scent @en Uta when @en

A study shows how difficult it is for temperate forests to recover from severe drought

Climate change is making forests all over the world more vulnerable to drought, causing tree mortality episodes with serious ecological and social consequences. As yet, the traits of the vegetation replacing trees that have died as a result of drought are not known.

Climate change forest Drought Enric batllori @en Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality @en Forest draught Francisco lloret @en Paco lloret @en Pnas @en Sandra saura mas @en
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

CONEXUS: CO-producing NBS and restored Ecosystems - transdisciplinary neXus for Urban Sustainability

Project / Initiative
Projects life +

Reforestation and climate change mitigation: tests, evaluation and transfer of innovative methods based on fog collection

Serra de Collserola
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Tipping points in Mediterranean forests under climate change