Imatge de bosc mediterrani
Project / Initiative
Projects life +

Implementing a Mediterranean biorefinery to boost forest management through the production of added value products

Fageda d'en Jordà
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Impacts of anthropogenic global changes in bioelemental stocks and flows on nature and humans

The city’s butterfly population rockets

The months of lockdown, when less maintenance work was carried out in parks, coupled with one of the wettest springs in recent years, has seen city butterfly populations flourish in Barcelona. Thanks to Barcelona Citizen Observatory for Urban Butterflies lead by CREAF, some 28% more butterfly species were recorded in the city between May and June this year, with 74% more individuals than for the same period last year.

Barcelona @en @es Biodiversitat urbana Biodiversity management @es Butterflies Butterfly @es Ciència ciutadana City @es Ubms Ubms @en @es Yolanda melero @en @es

Leading scientific associations and innovative companies demand to place R&D at the heart of Spain’s strategy

CREAF signs the document as a member of Severo Ochoa & Maria de Maeztu Alliance (SOMMa).  The signatories demand a national pact that includes long-term strategies aimed at promoting frontier science and business innovation. The document aims to add and provide strategic solutions to the recent Pact for Science and Innovation that the Government has just announced.

Institutional Scientific politics Severo ochoa @en Somma @en

Joan Masó against the digital Tower of Babel

A physicist who specializes in spatial information and programming, Joan Masó has actively contributed to milestones such as the development of the MiraMon digital mapping software and the creation of the Web Map Tile Service standard. His work could be defined as using open data to create opportunities.

Geo @en Geospatial Gis @en Grumets @en Grumets @es Joan masó Joan masó @en Mapping Miramon @en Open geospatial consortium Satellite Sig Space @en Web map tile service

Barcelona has been appointed by the European Forest Institute to organise its annual forest and city conference in 2022

The European Forest Institute (EFI) has appointed Barcelona to organise its annual forest and city conference in 2022, an international recognition. This Catalan candidature is led by the AMB, CREAF, the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and the Centre of Forest Science and Technology of Catalonia (CTFC).

Biocities Efi European forest institute Green cities Smart cities @en Sustainability Urban Urban green

CREAF Annual Report 2019 is already available

We invite you to read the CREAF Annual Report 2019, so you can keep informed about all our progress. During that year, we published 233 articles indexed on SCI. 88% of this articles were in scientific magazines located in the first quartile.

Finally we can share with you the last CREAF Annual Report, which gather up the most important milestones, news, events, activities and publications of the center during 2019. You will also find information about CREAF's research projects, staff and financial questions. Some of the highlights are: