AD4GD, a new project to unify and organise the data needed for the European Green Deal

All Data for Green Deal (AD4GD) is a European project led by CREAF that will help to unify all Earth observation data in a single space and thus support priority actions of the European Green Deal. Just as a storage room can become an efficient warehouse if everything is sorted, labelled and ac

Ad4gd Ad4gd @en Dades geoespacials Data base Geospatial data Green deal @en Joan masó Joan masó @en Metadades Pacte verd europeu

Humans milk the periodic table turning a blind eye to its risks

For millions of years, nature has basically been getting by with just a few elements from the periodic table. Carbon, calcium, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, magnesium and potassium are the building blocks of almost all life on our planet (tree trunks, leaves, hairs, teeth, etc.). However, to build the world of humans — cities, healthcare products, railways, aeroplanes and their engines, computers, smartphones — we need many more chemical elements.

Elementoma Jaume terradas @en Jordi sardans @en Josep peñuelas @en Química