
What is regenerative agriculture?


You go to a supermarket and you find what you want regardless of whether it is its growing season or not: plums, mangoes and melons in January. How is this possible? This is possible because our agri-food system backbone is based on overproducing food.

Adaptation to climate change Agriculture Biodiversitat Carbon agriculture Livestock Polyfarming Regenerative agriculture Regenerative livestock Sobirania alimentària Sustainable agriculture

Volatile Organic Compounds, the language of plants

Not only humans have the capacity for communication. Queen bees emit pheromones in order to control workers, and abortions can be provoked in pregnant female mice just by their smelling of odors produced by a male distinct to that which fertilized them. Plants also communicate with chemical signals which they release into their surroundings, helping them to interact with other plants and living beings, including microorganisms. 

Agriculture @ca Gerard farré-armengol @en @ca Geu @en @ca Imbalance-p @en @ca Microbiology @ca Phyllosphere @ca Pollination @ca