Adaptació al canvi climàtic
The adaptation measures taken in the world do not reduce the risk that climate change poses to humanity
The recent study 'A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change' published in Nature Communications shows that the measures taken are fragmented, local and not transformative. CREAF calls for more integrated and coordinated measures capable of reducing the risk that climate change poses to people.
What is regenerative agriculture?
You go to a supermarket and you find what you want regardless of whether it is its growing season or not: plums, mangoes and melons in January. How is this possible? This is possible because our agri-food system backbone is based on overproducing food.
Euromontana incorporates Polyfarming as an example of good practice in the European management of mountain pastures
The European LIFE Polyfarming project, coordinated by CREAF, is included as an inspiring model in the recently published manual of good practices 'Sustainable management of mountain pastures' promoted by Euromontana.
Gabriel Borràs and the question of how we adapt to climate change
The incorporation into the UN scientific database of a recent indicator on the capacity to adapt to climate change promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya raises an automatic question. What does it mean to be able to adapt to the global modification of the climate that we are facing?