Were the Vikings the first to settle in the Azores?

A recent study led by CIBIO, the University of the Azores, CSIC and CREAF shows that the navigations of the Vikings could have taken them to the Azores about 700 years before the arrival of the Portuguese. The results, published in the journal PNAS, have been obtained through sediment samples from different lakes and environmental reconstructions.

Archaeology Azores Climate models Cores Ecology Geology History Lakes Reconstructions Sediment Vikings
Project / Initiative
National projects

MICROCLIM: Microclimatic variability and forest carbon sink resilience to global warming

Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Co-designed citizen observatories for the European Open Science Cloud

Imatge de pantà
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Innovating Climate Services through integrating scientific and local knowledge

Project / Initiative
National projects

Shifts in bioelements (C:N:P:K) stocks, fluxes and stoichiometry in plant-soil system related to aridity rise (BIO-ARID)

What is regenerative agriculture?


You go to a supermarket and you find what you want regardless of whether it is its growing season or not: plums, mangoes and melons in January. How is this possible? This is possible because our agri-food system backbone is based on overproducing food.

Adaptation to climate change Agriculture Biodiversitat Carbon agriculture Livestock Polyfarming Regenerative agriculture Regenerative livestock Sobirania alimentària Sustainable agriculture

CREAF takes off with the Landsat-9 satellite

The recent launch of the Landsat-9 satellite by NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) marks a small step forward in the study and understanding the Earth's surface. CREAF followed this charismatic event live and took the opportunity to bring remote sensing technologies closer to society.

Cartografía Datos Espacio Geo Grumets @es Ivette serral Joan masó Landsat9 Nasa Satélite Sig

It's a fact, we lose biodiversity: time for action?

The IDEES Journal, published by the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Issues. Department of Institutional and External Affairs and Relations and Transparency, has published a monograph on the 2030 Agenda in which the different types of challenges involved are described. CREAF has led and written the chapter on biodiversity conservation, which is described below.

Agenda 2030 Alicia perez-porro Biodiversitat Cads Estat natura Insitucional Ipbes

Drought is already one of the 4 most critical natural hazards in Southwest Europe

Drought and its consequences is one of the 4 most critical natural hazards in the mountain areas of Southwest Europe, together with floods, fires and soil degradation. This is one of the starting points of the third transnational seminar on strategies for the management and prevention of drought impacts on mountain forests in Southwest Europe, integrated in the SUDOE MONTCLIMA project.

Diana pascual Drought Eduard pla Institut pirinenc d'ecologia Jordi martínez vilalta Mireia banqué Montclima @ca Observatori pirinenc de canvi climàtic Sequera muntanya Sequera sud-oest europa Sequera sudoe